First gear – learning to drive

Driving a car for the very first time can be described as… sort of like riding a bike. With two extra wheels and an engine. It’s a steep learning curve but gets easier with practice. And learning what to do at a junction soon becomes second nature.

Taking it up to fifth on a dual carriageway let it stretch its legs though and the soft purr of the turbo kicking in upon entering the overtaking lane was music to the ears. It made you realize how much this super mini packs quite a sharp bite – even if it is the only car you’ve ever driven. Driving down the old drag racer straight alongside Hanningfield Reservoir or around the many winding hills of Essex is enjoyable but learning to drive isn’t all fun and games.

Before long, the words “mirror”, “signal” and “manoeuvre” are etched onto the brain. Manoeuvres such as the three point turn and parallel parking are fine, but don’t even get started on the left reverse. But you will determine to pass early, and the theory is already done and dusted