Fuel Management
Made Easy

Track your fuel spend, manage fuel cards and integrations

Save money and with easy payment terms

Save money on every fuel purchase – never paying more than the cash price for diesel!

Telematics & Analytics

Compare which drivers use the most gallons or purchase at the lower price with best discounts.

  • Track by Location
  • Report by Driver
  • Lowest Purcahse Price reconcilation
  • Daily Fuel price list + IFTA Price


We combine our Cloud Software with your Fuel Card provider and ELD to integrate a fully automated data driver fuel card management solution.

  • Fuel Purchase Proximity Check
  • Auto shut off by card limit
  • Money Codes Generations
  • Autos shut off by trip completion or timezone

Fuel Integrations

API driven fuel card security. ELD data controls how the Fuel card operates. Fleet managers get detailed online reporting on fleet activity, fuel use,

  • Turn on by proxmity
  • Activate by Trip
  • Turn off while off duty
  • Real Time Transactions


Take advantage of the fuel optimizer Android/iOS app. Fine the best fuel location along a route. Searching for stations by fuel type, brand, or fuel card services offered couldn’t be simpler. it helps drivers refuel without having to stray too far from their route. The app also shows you, in real time, which stations near you are offering the lowest cost fue

  • Search by radius
  • Search by fuel chain
  • Money Codes Generations
  • Search by interstate
  • IFTA and Discount prices

Added Value Services

Web-based user dashboard to access data from anywhere for 24/7 Fuel Card management access. Update, change activate and de-activate fuel cards. Issue money codes and more. Analyze your fuel savings with our AI audit.

Fleet managers and owners are able to see where drivers are fueling and optimize fuel savings for the future.



IFTA combined with GPS will deliver fully finished IFTA report at the end of the quarter. New tax rates automatically uploaded every quarter

Fuel Optimization

Locate and buy fuel from the cheapest truck stops on the route and save $300 per truck/month with the most advanced GPS fuel management system. Identify fuel differences


Get points per gallons of fuel purchased. Reedeem points for cash, prodcuts and services

Branded Fuel Cards

Personalize your cards with your Company Name


Fleet managers get detailed online reporting on fleet activity, fuel use

Instant Discounts

savings of up to .45 cent per gallon

Keep Fleets on a Roll

Fuel discounts aren’t just for large fleets anymore. Cost Fuel makes it possible for owner-operators and smaller fleets to save money and get rewarded.


Truck Fuel Station

Easily search for truck diesel closest to you with our GPS locator.


Weight Station

We help truck drivers find truck scales nearby.


Truck Parking

 Reliable overnight truck parking

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Premium Features

Our fleet management system, saving money is inevitable.

Super Fast

User Friendly

Always Updated

Detail Reviews

Quick Calculation

Custom Categories

The personalized service you deserve

The personalized service you deserve

Start Saving

Expanse Filters

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Categories Earning

Praesent lacinia pellentesque odio, ac tristique turpis rutrum eu.

Integer ac risus eget est dictum finibus. Etiam eget dignissim felis. Suspendisse id nunc nisl. Aenean euismod erat a diam tristique, egestas posuere nisl vestibulum.

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Words From Our Clients

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore

Etiam sed est erat. Fusce tempus ipsum ut ante rhoncus, in placerat sapien scelerisque. Phasellus euismod sem sit amet dui porta
John DoeCEO
John Doe
Donec ullamcorper vehicula lorem in ultricies. Nullam ultricies rhoncus elit non tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus
Martha AoeCA Analysis
Martha Aoe
Etiam sem tellus, gravida eget mauris quis, efficitur aliquam augue. Suspendisse non posuere leo. Praesent sagittis vestibulum diam ultricies porta.
Joros OrvisManagement
Joros Orvis

Straightforward Pricing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore



Pre Month

  • Backup and sync
  • Number of budgets
  • Shared wallets
  • Lipsum dolor

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Pre Month

  • Auto categorization
  • Unlimited of budgets
  • Backup and sync
  • Posuere nisl

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Pre Month

  • Backup and sync
  • Unlimited of budgets
  • Secured data
  • Rorem ipsum dolor

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Frequently Asked Questions

Aenean lorem et suscipit ultricies

consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima vero incidunt vitae totam perferendis, facere esse explicabo corporis, fuga iure?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Nunc vehicula, magna ut sollicitudin tempus, diam sem ornare odio, facilisis blandit orci sem ut purus. Pellentesque quis leo.

Quisque rutrum lacinia velit

Faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nunc mattis posuere ipsum ac ultrices. Fusce gravida pulvinar massa ac laoreet

Magnis dis parturient montes

Nullam facilisis est fermentum ex egestas efficitur. Proin at aliquet felis. Suspendisse vel nisi dui. Nullam sapien lacus, lobortis

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Psum dolor sit amet, cons ectetur adipi scing elit, sed do eius mod tempor pulvinar dapibus leo. 

Straightforward Pricing

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